May 13, 2019 - University of Oslo
This will be a one day meeting with lectures and discussions related to cubic surfaces, in particular regarding computational, tropical and applied aspects.
The common threads of the event are the following 27 Questions.
Tentative program:
09:00 - 13:00 Work in groups on the 27 Questions
13:00 - 14:00: Lunch
14:00 - 18:00: Pre-prepared talks and short presentations on the morning work
If you have any questions or you want to learn more about this project, do not hesitate to contact the organizers.
Where: Top floor (12.) in the Niels Henrik Abel building, "Abels utsikt" (we will use several rooms at different locations during the day, but start here).
Structure of the meeting
We will approach some participants to become group leaders. They will pick a question to work on long before the event. On the day of the meeting, group leaders will gather some participants into their groups (some randomness might be incorporated at this stage).
Group leaders assume the responsibility of making the most of their team. After lunch the group leaders will present the results obtained during the morning session.
Group leaders are encouraged to prepare before the event for the benefit of their team, for instance by preparing micro questions on which some progress can be attained in such a short period of time. You may, of course, contact some participants and try to get a head start.
If you wish to volunteer to become a group leader, contact one of the organizers. Three group leaders will be reimbursed for accommodation and trip, first come first serve.
Some groups have already started working. Any progress by them will also be presented in the afternoon session.
The group leaders are below. We encourage you to contact the group leader early on if you are interested in joining them. They may have extra material for you.
Question 01: Elisa Cazzador ( and Bjørn Skauli (
Question 04: Dominic Bunnett (
Question 12: Yue Ren ( )
Question 21: Sara Lamboglia (
To register, click on the button "become a collaborator" on the home page and please use your full name so that we may reach you. Registration deadline is 31st of March, 2019.
You might also consider attending the 4th Scandinavian Gathering Around Remarkable Discrete Mathematics that will take place in Oslo on May 14-16.
Marta Panizzut - TU Berlin
Kristian Ranestad - UiO
Emre Sertoz - MPI Leipzig